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Ilonamme on ilmoittaa, että olemme päässeet Financial Times TOP 1000 -listaukseen vuoden 2020 nopeiten kasvavista yrityksistä Euroopassa

Yhteistyössä Statistan kanssa Financial Times on analysoinut Euroopan innovatiivisimmat ja nopeiten kasvavat yritykset julkaisemalla TOP-1000 -listan.

Siinä tarkastellaan laajasti eri alojen yritysten tulojen kasvua, henkilökunnan lukumäärää ja voittoa ennen veroja. Meille on suuri kunnia olla Euroopan nopeiten kasvavien yritysten joukossa. Pääsimme tälle listalle ensimmäistä kertaa, ja olemme yksi harvoista Baltian maiden yrityksistä, jotka pääsivät listalle tänä vuonna.

Jatkamme toimintaamme strategiamme mukaisesti, ja tulemme jatkossakin takaamaan huippulaadukkaat ja huippunopeat palvelut asiakkaillemme ympäri maailmaa.


Se kertoo yrityksen panoksesta VIron talouden kehitykseenja rehelliseen yrityskulttuuriin.

Hyvä arvosana osoittaa laatua,vain 3,9 prosentilla virolaisista yrityksistä on vakiintunut korkea luokitus.

2nd Place Estonian Gazelle Company 2019

2nd place among 1265 companies. Less than 1% of all companies in Estonia become Gazelles.
Gazelle Company winner is a fast-growing enterprise that over the past three years has increased its income and profits by at least 50%. The gazelle movement appreciates fast-growing enterprises, as it is confident that it is these flexible, fast and bold companies that will create more new jobs in the future. The movement of gazelles originated in the United States, the author of the term is David Birch, an American economist.

2nd place Estonian most competitive micro-enterprise 2018

Biggest Estonian Entrepreneurship Competition The Entrepreneurship Award is organized by Enterprise Estonia (EAS) and Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the Estonian Employers’ Confederation. This competition identifies the companies that have been the most beneficial for the state during the year. The Entrepreneurship Award is the highest recognition from the state to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial spirit.

3rd place in Networking-, Communications- and IT 2018

Biggest Estonian Entrepreneurship Competition The Entrepreneurship Award is organized by Enterprise Estonia (EAS) and Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the Estonian Employers’ Confederation. This competition identifies the companies that have been the most beneficial for the state during the year. The Entrepreneurship Award is the highest recognition from the state to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial spirit.

Strongest in Estonia 2018 Certificate

Estonian Creditinfo Rating is an assessment of a company expressed as a cumulative grade based on economic, financial and payment behavior. Only 6.8% of Estonian companies can claim very good AA rating.

AAA Highest Creditworthiness Certificate

The Bisnode’s International AAA certification is prestigious Scandinavian independent certification of companies with a history back to 1908.
It is one of the oldest, most well-known and proven models to assess the credit score of companies. Only 3.6% of all Estonian companies have achieved this rating.

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